Sexing Sound: Aural Archives and Feminist Scores


Interference Archive lent a significant amount of materials (including punk flyers and record albums) to this exhibition being held at the James Gallery at CUNY Graduate Center, NYC.
Sexing Sound: Aural Archives and Feminist Scores
February 6–March 8, 2014
James Gallery, 365 5th Ave., NYC
Curated by Katherine Carl, Valerie Tevere, and Siona Wilson
Sexing Sound: Aural Archives and Feminist Scores will bring together a selection of audio, flyers, scores, documentation of performances, and zines of women’s sound work in the last two decades with historical references extending back to the 1960s. Intended not as a survey, but rather an animated peek at materials from archives including ABC No Rio, the Fales Library at New York University, Franklin Furnace, Her Noise in London, the Interference Archive, the Museum of Modern Art Archives, and Ubuweb. More information HERE.