Steps Toward Prison Abolition: A Strategic Conversation


Thursday, November 13, 2014

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Thursday, November 13th
7-9 pm
As part of Self-Determination Inside/Out, Milk Not Jails and RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison) host this informal discussion about the different political strategies organizers and activists embrace in the fight for prison abolition.
What have people dedicated to abolishing the whole prison industrial complex discovered through education, advocacy and lobbying? What is working and not working? How can collaboration become more than showing up for events and rallies? What are creative ways to combat the media’s dominant narratives on crime and corrections?
Self-Determination Inside/Out serves as inspiration to step outside of the day-to-day operations of criminal justice organizing projects to reflect on personal and collective struggles to end mass incarceration. Join us at this special exhibit to learn from the past and each other towards an abolitionist future.
