Thanks to everyone who came out for the Inaugurating Resistance propaganda party. For a write up of the event see: https://interferencearchive.org/inaugurating-resistance-propaganda-party-a-success/
Inaugurating Resistance Propaganda Party and Distribution Depot for Inauguration-related Protest
Interference Archive, January 14 & 15, 2017
12–5pm each day
What is a propaganda party? It’s where we invite dozens of organizations, activists, designers, and artists producing materials around a political issue to hang out, meet each other, and distribute their flyers, stickers, posters, buttons, and more. All propaganda is FREE, and we encourage all to come by, grab a drink, and load up on as many posters and stickers they can carry. This next installment of our Propaganda Party is centered around the fallout from the election and upcoming protests around the presidential inauguration.
At our first two parties, we had over 100 people come through each, many who would never have come to a more-intensive meeting or talk around the specific subjects. For this one we want to expand our reach from individuals to groups, and encourage representatives from socially engaged spaces around New York City to swing by on the weekend of January 14–15 and (a) drop off copies of materials people in their communities are distributing, and (b) pick up piles of posters and stickers to further distribute out of their spaces.
We are inviting other social spaces in New York City—spaces where our communities and peoples gather—to join us in a networked distribution of agit prop where each space helps to distribute the materials that are meaningful and produced by all the others. Interference Archive is opening up our space on the weekend of January 14–15 from noon to 5pm each day for representatives from spaces and communities across the city to bring anti-inauguration/pro-community materials to give out, and to pick up similar materials to further distribution in their spaces. There will also be live screen printing and button making so bring anything (t-shirts, patches, bags) you would like to print a design on to.
We are already partnering with Print.Organize.Protest (http://printorganizeprotest.org/), the Disrict 13 house in DC, the Amplifier Foundation (http://theamplifierfoundation.org/), and are working on additional relationships. We will have, at a minimum, a dozen different poster designs and likely as many stickers, all for mass distribution. All materials that are not distributed in NYC will be sent to DC with people heading down to the protests there. Nothing will be wasted!
Please let us know (email: info@interferencearchive.org) if your organization wants to get involved, either by bringing material to the party to be distributed, or to become a further distribution point (i.e. pick up materials to bring back to and distribute from your space).
Propaganda Party Organizing Committee
Interference Archive, 131 8th Street No. 4, Brooklyn, NY 11215