TABLOID- a review of mass culture and everyday life

May 28, 2015

TABLOID, a collectively edited critical journal of mass culture and everyday life from the late 1970’s and 1980’s, has arrived at Interference Archive thanks to the generous donation from the Tabloid collective via Mary Louise Pratt. If you are interested in seamlessly crafted compilations of critical analyses, book and music reviews, and graphic designs about Reagan era media, film, and everyday life, we implore you to come in and check out this incredible collection. If that description seems a little vague then allow me to introduce this work through a brief montage of images and article titles.
This journal contains articles with varying titles like EROS AND SYPHILIZATION by Dana Polan, Confessions of a Deadhead Feminist by Mary Klages, The Psychopathology of Everyday Punk by Hugh Gurling, and NO, SHE REALLY LOVES EGGS: Fighting it Out on Call-In Radio by Mary Pratt. The authors cover topics ranging from US militarization to Jazzercise, graffiti in the US and Turkey to concerns about education and the disciplining of the university. Particularly special about this journal is the consideration by the authors of modes of resistance taking place, as electoral politics continually encroached on everyday life. Resistance came in the form of both word and visual material, evidently important to the collective due to their use of graphics and text in the composition of the journal.
Along with the TABLOID journal, Interference Archive received meeting notes and transcripts from the collective about the process of their writing and composition of the journal.
Whether you’re interested in the work of these amazing writers or researching the collective creative process, the merger of graphics and text, or the timeless concerns of Reagan era politics, it’s all here.