Education Working Group Invitation for Class Proposals
January 10, 2015
Interference Archive is excited to continue our education series, and we’re inviting you to get involved by proposing a single-session class you’d like to teach. Classes could be lectures, film viewing and discussion, hands-on workshops, or any other format you can imagine.
In keeping with the mission of Interference Archive, we want to explore the link between social movements and culture-making. We support educational opportunities that activate the collection at the archive by drawing on similar themes and using the collection for inspiration and research. These classes should be accessible.
In the coming months, Interference Archive will be hosting exhibitions about tenant organizing in New York City, and about social movements and music. We encourage people to think about classes that could tie into these themes.
Classes fees for participants are by donation. Although teachers will not be paid, we will use donations to purchase materials needed.
How to propose a class:
If you are interested in proposing a class, please provide the following information:
- A summary of the class, including the issues covered and the general format of the class. 250 words is enough.
- A list of materials needed, if any. Please note which, if any, of these materials you can provide or can find by donation.
- If there should be an age restriction for your class, whether due to content, skill level, or any other consideration, please make note of this.
- Timeframe preference for scheduling in the coming months.
- How many people would your class be ideal for?
In order to allow for ample time to organize and promote classes at the Archive, please submit any class proposals for spring/summer 2015 by January 30th, 2015.
All class proposals should be sent to: