Saturday, October 6, 2018
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Sunday, October 6, 4-6pm
hosted by Red Bloom: A Communist Collective
As workers in the arts, we labor in an industry where a tiny group of (overwhelmingly white, cis-male) gatekeepers control the resources that we all need to live and create. These gatekeepers often stay out of the spotlight, but they wield the power to exploit and coerce us, to make or break our projects, and to endanger our livelihoods. The Me Too Movement and the efforts to force the resignation of Warren Kanders from the Whitney Board offer recent examples of public pushback against our gatekeepers. As communists, socialists, and anti-capitalists, we want to build a broad struggle for worker power in the arts. The first steps in that struggle are coming together and learning about where power resides in our industry. So come to an art workers gathering where we’ll identify who controls the resources in our different sectors of the arts industry, and discuss how we challenge them in our industry and in the streets!
Join us to meet up with other arts workers and discuss how we can build a cross-craft, cross-media arts workers’ struggle. There will be drinks!