Thursday, June 6, 2019
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Thursday, June 6, 6-8pm
Join participants from the Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls 2019 Arts & Activism program for a listening party to celebrate the work they’ve produced this year — individual podcasts based upon this years theme “Strength in Numbers” with original interviews, media and music!
This year, the teen fellows, Anayi and Coral, have podcasts discussing sexual harassment, and the work and activism of James Baldwin.
Coral Dawley
My name is Coral Dawley, I box, I dance and am learning to play bass. I’m very passionate about activism and always have been, but am always trying to inform myself and get myself more immersed in the activism community. My podcast is about sexual assault and harassment especially in communities of young people like myself. I feel this topic is often looked over and seen as not important. However, this is very important. Sexual assault and harassment affects people, maybe even in ways they don’t notice and I wanted to inform people about that, learn more about it myself, and create a space where these topics aren’t looked over and no one will be shamed for their story.
Anayi Charles
Anayi Charles-Pierre is a sophomore in high school with a passion for music and art. She loves learning new things and spend her free time reading. A 16 year old girl from Bed-Stuy who surrounds herself with a diverse community of people, she becomes open about many social/political injustices towards people of color and has begun to take minor steps towards getting more involved in the activist community. This year, she created a podcast that talks about James Baldwin and representations as an African American living in a complicated beautiful world. She realizes the impact that James Baldwin put in this world with his powerful words.