Saturday, March 21, 2020
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
POSTPONED Saturday, March 21, 3-5pm
Ari (350 Brooklyn) and Liat (Indivisible Nation BK) are co-creating a new initiative to provide people with easy, concrete actions that they can take (mostly from home) in order to support climate candidates, advocate for transformative climate policy, and support local organizations building climate solutions. During this workshop, Ari and Liat will share strategies for getting involved (in a sustainable way!) in Climate Activism.
Ari R. Lieberman is an attorney and climate advocate. He is the Legislative Coordinator with 350Brooklyn, the local affiliate of the international climate organization, 350.org. Ari lives in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn with his wife and daughter. (Twitter @AriRLieberman)
Liat Olenick is an elementary school science teacher, advocate and activist. She is co-president of Indivisible Nation BK and works with Sunrise Movement NYC. She lives in Windsor Terrace.