Confronting Colonialism: Lessons from the PSP in the U.S.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Activa desde finales de la década de 1960 hasta mediados de la década de 1990, la rama estadounidense del Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño (PSP) trabajó simultáneamente en conseguir apoyo para la independencia de Puerto Rico y participar en el cambio social radical dentro de los Estados Unidos. “Revolution Around the Corner”, co-editado por José E. Velázquez, Carmen Vivian Rivera, y Andrés Torres, relata este movimiento social único, describiendo diversas campañas masivas y el funcionamiento interno de la organización. En este evento, Carmen Vivian Rivera estará acompañada por Teresa Basilio y otrxs colaboradores del libro. Lxs panelistas ofrecerán sus puntos de vista e interpretaciones de sus experiencias como integrantes del PSP y responderán a preguntas del público. Un momento especial del evento será la presentación del tráiler de un próximo documental sobre la PSP en Estados Unidos.

Este evento se llevará a cabo tanto en persona en Interference Archive (314 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY) como virtual a través de Zoom.

Este programa es posible gracias al New York City Artist Corps.

Active from the late 1960s until the mid-1990s, the U.S. branch of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP) worked simultaneously to build support for Puerto Rican independence and to engage in radical social change within the United States. Revolution Around the Corner, co-edited by José E. Velázquez, Carmen Vivian Rivera, and Andrés Torres, chronicles this unique social movement, describing various mass campaigns and the inner workings of the organization. In this program Carmen Vivian Rivera will be joined by Teresa Basilio and other contributors to the book. Panelists will offer a range of views and interpretations of their experience as members of the PSP along with Q & A from the audience. A special highlight of the program includes the preview of an upcoming documentary on the PSP in the United States.

This program will be held both in person at Interference Archive (314 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY) and remotely over Zoom. Live ASL and Spanish interpretation will be provided by the presenters. Registration is now closed for both the in-person and Zoom lists.

This program is made possible by the New York City Artist Corps.
