Sunday, October 9, 2022
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Update: Register to join virtually.
Join us for a talk with civil rights lawyer Alec Karakatisanis about how the mainstream press normalizes and obscures police violence and how the media perpetuates a false narrative linking cops to public safety. Why are there so many stories about crimes by the poor and so few about harm caused by the wealthy? Why do most stories about crime simply quote the perspective of cops and prosecutors? Why do outlets continue to use passive voice and misleading phrases like “officer-involved shooting.” Why do videos of “good cops” rescuing kittens or hugging children go viral? Karakatsanis will break down his definition of copaganda and how to critically read media coverage of police and civil resistance to state violence.
Alec Karakatisanis is the founder and executive director of Civil Rights Corps. Before founding Civil Rights Corps, Alec was a civil rights lawyer and public defender with the Special Litigation Division of the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia; a federal public defender in Alabama, representing impoverished people accused of federal crimes; and co-founder of the non-profit organization Equal Justice Under Law. Read more.
Registration is required for this event, so that we can ensure our attendance complies with the capacity limits we’re aiming for in order to reduce the spread of COVID.
Masks will be required at this event.