Sunday, May 15, 2022
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Join the Debt Archive for a screening and performances as part of their work at Interference Archive. Featuring selections from the Debt Archive and Conditions & Possibilities alongside:
Simone Johnson
Simone Johnson is a bicoastal interdisciplinary artist, researcher, and cultural worker with roots in New York City. She mostly makes work about/with water. You can learn more about her work HERE.
SGP presents T.R.A.S.H.
sgp is an anti-disciplinary artist living in New York. Having performed and written under many pseudonyms*, sgp is currently working on a piece about (student) debt and public/private partnerships by enrolling in Hunter’s MFA program. Upon graduation, the artist will attempt to sell her public school debt as an art object, without disclosing how much she may or may not owe. This is her final year of the ongoing project, forthcoming May 2022. The resulting contract(s) will be an open edition, with the potential to be duplicated for use by any student – until such contracts would be rendered moot by student debt cancellation. (*including, but not limited to: Sara Grace Powell, Kelsea Wollffllotterr, and Lee G. Rawls)
This event is free. Please note that we’ll be maintaining Interference Archive’s current 20-person capacity limitations and health protocols due to COVID.
RSVP HERE >Check out other events related to this program series.
This program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.