Saturday, December 22, 7pm
In a world where everything seems upside down, what does it mean to be sane?
Join Sascha DuBrul (co-founder of The Icarus Project and IDHA) for a screening of the new SubMedia video Mad Worlds (33min) and a facilitated discussion about how we can take better care of ourselves and each other in a crazy world. If we don’t trust the society we live in to dictate what “mental health” means, how do we decide, individually and collectively, what it means to be mentally healthy? What support strategies are out there for those of us who struggle? How do we talk to our friends about our needs, and make space for evolving the conversation around madness. Come escape the holiday blues, meet some strangers, and learn about Transformative Mutual Aid Practices (T-MAPs) – a tool for building radical community support. https://tmapscommunity.net/