Thursday, September 7, 2023
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Please join us in celebrating the release of IN THEIR WORDS: Discursive Origins of the Iranian Fadai, on September 7th at Interference Archive in Brooklyn, NY.
Courtesy of Interference Archive, we will have on display original political prints and student posters from revolutionary Iran, as well as spinning rare vinyl records of Fadai protest anthems. This event is free and open to all. RSVP here
IN THEIR WORDS examines a selection of texts influential to or produced by the People’s Fadaiyan (literally, “self-sacrificers”), one of the most prominent Marxist-Leninist guerrilla organizations in Iran. Starting with writings by the movement’s founders, IN THEIR WORDS maps out a decade and a half of theoretical work that culminated in the radical newspaper Kar (“labor”), which is still in publication today.