Thursday, May 31, 2018
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday, May 31, 7pm
How do we make the world we want to live in? How does art help us re-imagine social and political reality? We want to answer these questions by exploring the places where poetry and political activism intersect — and, maybe just as crucially, interrogating places where they don’t. Poetry, too often, is seen by activists as a mere decoration; activist community-building, too often, is treated by poets as an aesthetic choice. We need new approaches to both meaning-making and community organizing if we want to make radical change. From Below is a poetry and discussion series that aims to get this conversation started.
Join Interference Archive for a public reading and discussion on intersections of poetry and labor organizing with Mark Nowak, members of the Worker Writers School (@WorkerWriters), members of Retail Action Project (@RetailAction), and local community college students and retail workers. The reading will be proceeded by a writing workshop for local community college students who work in retail or service industries. RSVP if this is you and you’d like to join us for the workshop.