Geofuturism, or learning to let go and love other worlds: a discussion of sociotechnical possibilities and life beyond fossil capitalism


Thursday, April 19, 2018

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Thursday, April 19, 7-9pm
Join us for the launch of Jesse Goldstein’s book Planetary Improvement: Cleantech Entrepreneurship and the Contradictions of Green Capitalism. The book examines the limitations of environmental transformation within a capitalist system, focusing specifically on ways in which creativity is disciplined, tamed and ultimately enclosed by the logic of venture investing and an “imperial” view of what a better world even is in the first place.
Jesse will share a bit about his book, and then lead us through an interactive exercise and discussion about the many ways that our own sense of a good life is inextricably linked to unsustainable material and energetic flows. This is not meant to make us feel bad about ourselves, but to open up a collective imagining of truly radical possibilities for socially and ecologically vibrant futures. The exercise is simple: we will pick some mundane aspects of everyday life (i.e. fast food, refrigerators, cell phones, air travel), try to assess (and accept) their negative environmental implications, and then turn towards collectively imagining how a world without these things could actually be a better place altogether.
