Graphic design and social change movements


Saturday, December 20, 2014

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Event Image
***DATE CHANGE: December 20, 6-8pm
The profession of graphic design may seem at odds with movement organizing: schools of design are often closely related to advertising and marketing and design privileges bold—often overstepping—solutions that can quickly run afoul of community organizing. Yet, movements increasingly need visual thinkers to communicate their goals and designers have, in ever larger numbers, sought to employ their skills in the on-the-ground struggles of organizing and social change.
This class will examine the historic role of the graphic design profession in creating work for movements; it will look at highbrow poster campaigns, low-fi know-your-rights ‘zines, and everything in between.
This class is facilitated by Sam Holleran.
LImited space — please email to reserve a spot.
Questions? email for more info
