Friday, April 19, 2024
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Please join Interference Archive for a panel discussion exploring some of the history of Jewish solidarity with Palestine organizing in New York City. This discussion is inspired by the Jewish solidarity materials included in Interference’s current exhibit, Palestine Lives! Among the materials curated for the exhibition are a large selection of radical haggadot (Passover prayer books) and other protest ephemera created by Jews Against the Occupation (JATO), a group of organizers active in NYC in the early 2000s. JATO was founded by veteran organizers from a variety of different movements: labor organizers, queer liberationists, ACT UP members, direct actionists, and more. A panel of four former JATO organizers will offer their reflections on lessons from their time in the movement—both before and after JATO—on multigenerational activism, and on the inter-connectedness of solidarity work.
Due to current COVID rates, masking is currently required during events at Interference Archive. We will provide masks at the door.