Saturday, February 11, 2017
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturday, February 11th, 6pm
Odds are you’ve seen some form of immigration coverage on the local, evening, or cable news. You’ve probably been bombarded with repeated images of shadowy figures being led away in cuffs, running across tracts of land, or hopping fences. You’ve probably heard pundits and politicians call immigrants criminals even terrorists. However, humanitarian aid group, No More Deaths has a very different view of the border—one in which cartel violence and macroeconomic policies compel people’s northward migration, one in which US border enforcement strategies result in thousands of deaths and the needless suffering of countless more. Their vantage allows them a clear view of the racial profiling laws that have deported and separated more than 1.5 million families.
Please join desert aid workers from No More Deaths as they present: Our View From the Border. This 45 minute presentation will offer firsthand accounts of trends in migration; human rights abuse documentation in Nogales, Sonora; migrant support in the Sonoran desert; and allied movement building in communities throughout Arizona. In addition to the presentation there will be time for questions during which we look forward to opening a more comprehensive dialogue about our southern border.