Tuesday, July 23, 2019
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 6-8pm
Join Common Notions in celebrating Peter Linebaugh, preeminent scholar-activist of our proletarian pro-commons revolutionary history, and his latest publication, Red Round Globe Hot Burning: Crossroads of Commons and Closure, of Love and Terror, of Race and Class (University of California, 2019).
Red Round Globe Hot Burning is a deep and powerful look into the struggles, events, relationships, and histories that shape our burning world today. In daring detail, Peter Linebaugh reminds us that the age of the Anthropocene and the consequent calamities of weather and war, climate and class struggle—are from its origins a story of enclosures, war-making global capitalism, slave labor plantations, and factory machine production.
We are once again at a crossroads, as the book’s subtitle brings to attention—of commons and closure, of love and terror, of race and class.
Let’s learn from these histories and ready ourselves to strike while the red round globe is hot!
Books will be available at discount at the event.