Monday, February 10, 2020
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Monday, February 10, 6-8pm
Location: Strong Rope Brewery: 574 President Street, Brooklyn NY
Join us for another Radical Archives Happy Hour at Strong Rope Brewery! There’s nothing we love more than hanging out with folks who love archiving and who want to celebrate the work of radical archives. Join us on Monday, February 10th at Strong Rope Brewery in Gowanus for Radical Archives Happy Hour! Not only do we get to support an amazing local family-owned brewery, but $1 of every drink will go to Interference Archive. And, try your luck on the opportunity to win our whole 2019 Interference Archive poster and publication bundle in a raffle. This includes the risographed catalog from Hi Vis: Australian Political Posters 1979–2019; the screenprinted poster from Everybody’s Got A Right To Live: The Poor People’s Campaign 1968 & Now; the risographed poster and zine from Resistance Radio: The People’s Airwaves; and the catalog and poster from Building for Us.