Tuesday, August 27, 2019
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday, August 27, 5-9pm
In recognition of our current exhibition, Resistance Radio, we are holding a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on the theme of pirate radio and community broadcasting.
We’ll work to improve representation of the individuals and organizations involved in radio projects worldwide — including those represented in our exhibition, and those that are not. We will glean relevant information from our collection at Interference Archive to share through Wikipedia. Our objective is to make information and documentation related to this work more accessible for current and future movement makers, educators, and learners. Snacks will be provided.
No experience editing Wikipedia is required but please bring a laptop! Experienced Wikipedians will be around to help out, and we’ll be starting the edit-a-thon with a brief tutorial to cover the basics.
Please RSVP or request childcare through this form. Childcare is available if requested by August 20, 2019. Read more info on our event meetup page.
Questions? Send us an email at info@interferencearchive.org.