Saturday, October 26, 2019
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Saturday, October 26,2-5pm
***Location: Creative Arts Workshop, 80 Audubon St, New Haven, CT
As part of “Sanctuary Cities and the Politics of the American Dream,” all are welcome to take part in an open archive presentation and group discussion from Interference Archive and the New Haven Museum.
Volunteers from Interference Archive will present a selection of documents from its collection on the sanctuary movement, other issues relevant to the topic of immigration, and broader themes of social and political organizing. The New Haven Museum’s Director of Education Khalil Quotap will be bringing the Museum’s archives on the late 1600’s sanctuary history of New Haven to draw parallels and connect to our current times.
This will be followed by a guided group discussion, workshop, and share-out of resources amongst members of the group, so as to connect directly to the exhibit and provide attendees with a greater understanding not only of the history of these movements, but also present means of changing your community for the better.
Light refreshments and nibbles will be provided!