Sunday, December 14, 2014
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Sunday, December 14th, 2014
Join editor Nasrin Himada, designer Jack Henrie Fisher, and contributor Josh MacPhee for the launch of the new issue of Scapegoat Journal: Issue 07/Incarceration
This issue of Scapegoat addresses the design and construction of spaces of punishment from an abolitionist perspective, insisting emphatically on the abolition of all forms of incarceration as a key component in the struggle against wider systems and practices of domination. We hope that this edition will address some of the persistent questions of how to understand incarceration, and how and why to realize its annihilation. This issue was conceived to advance this discussion not only for architects, scholars, and activists, but also for prisoners, families, friends, and other allies. It was composed from a selection of open-call submissions. Our hope is that this is an issue that has something for everyone concerned. Prison abolition is a highly misunderstood and scandalizing proposition, and we hope that there are enough entry points here to contribute in some way to broadening the understanding of these issues, to cultivating alliances, and implementing tactics and strategies of transformative justice.
Scapegoat: Architecture / Landscape / Political Economy’s editorial board consists of nine members, whose diverse interests and expertise in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Art, Philosophy, Urbanism, centers on the imbrications of politics and economics within the production of space. We are a biannual journal that engages the political and economic elements in the practice of architectural and landscape design.
image: Derrick Quintero, “If My Journey…”