Thursday, October 24, 2019
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday, October 24, 7-9pm
In 1969, a group of scientists and activists committed to the practice of science to end oppression and violence began publishing Science for the People, a flagship publication of the radical science movement for 20 years. This reading group coincides with the release of the first issue from the relaunch of Science for the People, which aims to introduce the principles of radical science to a new generation of activists looking to understand and transform the world around us.
With technological fixes and calls to follow the science being pushed as solutions to stop the climate crisis, it is important to learn from the past to understand the history of weather modification, militarism, and colonization; how to push back against technical solutions that only worsen conditions for the most vulnerable peoples; and move towards alternative possibilities of radical solidarity in our science and climate activism.
Our readings will include the following; please read as much of this material as possible in advance of coming to the event:
- From the Archives: Weather Manipulation and Militarism by Erik Wallenberg, a discussion of three articles from the 1970s: “Weather Warfare” by Science for Vietnam — Chicago Collective, “Weather: Calamities of Nature & Weather Modification as a Weapon of Imperialism” (p. 22) by URPE & Mark Looney, and “Weather Modification and War” by Peter Caplan.
- No Comemos Baterías: Solidarity Science Against False Climate Change Solutions, published in Science for The People’s most recent volume “Return to Radical Science” by the Center for Interdisciplinary Environmental Justice: M. Brito-Millán, A. Cheng, E. Harrison, M. Mendoza Martinez, R. Sugla, M. Belmonte, A. Salomón, L. Quintanilla, J. Guzman-Morales, A. Martinez