Saturday, November 8, 2014
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
November 8, 7-9pm
The Paris Commune of 1871 was the first instance of the working class seizing and holding power, and has served as an example for radicals since its brutal crushing. It has been claimed by all schools of left-wing thought, from anarchists to Marxists of various schools, but what did it truly represent? What led to its birth? Who fought for it? What did they hope to obtain? Why did it fail? And what has its posterity been?
This class will focus on examining the Commune through use of contemporary documents of the Communards, their own post mortems of the event, as well as graphics held by the Interference Archive.
This discussion will be led by Mitch Abidor.
Limited space — please sign up by emailing classes@interferencearchive.org
Questions? Email classes@interferencearchive.org