“The Women’s Strike Goes On” Screening and Discussion


Saturday, April 21, 2018

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Saturday, April 21, 6pm
Join us for a special screening of “The Women’s Strike Goes On”, followed by a discussion.
Panel includes:
Magda Malin, Organizer of International Women’s Strike Poland
Rosy Clark, pre-school teacher member of MORE and DSA, and speaker at the Washington Square Rally for International Women’s Day NYC
This film depicts the history of female employees of public nurseries in Poznan, which in 2011 has began to fight the marginalization of women’s work. The reason was a drop in workers wages and an attempt to privatize Poznan nurseries. In response to activities of the municipal office, carers’ have joined the trade union fighting for the wage increases, improved working conditions, threatened the authorities with the strike and ultimately blocked the privatization of nurseries. However, their protest is still not over. Until today, none of the political forces on the city council have taken any significant steps to curb the exploitation of women. Employees still demand higher wages, shorter working day, lower fees for parents and more places in nurseries.
Conflict at their workplace has initiated a long battle to change the social and budgetary policy of the city and enhance the spheres to which women are assigned, among others care, social welfare, education, culture. The caregivers also began to speak out loudly that household duties related to the maintenance of the family, are usually on their shoulders, this is why they will continue fighting for the commonly available health service with the possibility of terminating pregnancy.
Protests against tightening of abortion law prove that women pose a real threat to prevailing power relations. However, this is not the only manifestation of their strength in recent years. “Women’s strike goes on” shows that women’s resistance in Poland has its history.
