Thursday, May 29, 2014
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Interference Archive will host a salon to celebrate the moment 20 years ago when the Zapatistas rose up to challenge the Mexican state and global capitalism, reminding us that “another world was possible.” For most, the word Zapatista conjures images of masked rebels in the in the jungle. Although the real revolution of everyday Zapatista life is less glamorous, it is more far-reaching.
Long-term activists will share their experiences working with the Zapatistas in solidarity and on community projects since 1994. They will lead a discussion on the years since the uprising–with a focus on the ways that the Zapatistas have put their ideas into practice by creating alternative governance in the form of autonomy.
In what ways can we say the Zapatista uprising has been a success and what have they achieved — locally, nationally, and globally?
Join us for this critical reflection of one of the most important revolutionary political formations of recent years.