Saturday, September 14, 2019
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Saturday, September 14th, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Join the Tech Learning Collective in a two-hour mini-intensive digital safety workshop focused on the Tor Project. Tor is a free, state-of-the-art, privacy-enhancing Web browser, SOCKS proxy, and anonymizing overlay mixnet. Don’t worry if you don’t know what these terms mean, that’s what the workshop is for!
From illegal online drug stores like Silk Road to DDoS botnet command and control headquarters, media attention has long painted “the Dark Web” as though nothing good can come of it. But learn just a little bit more about how Tor and “hidden services” work and you’ll find a treasure trove of valuable possibilities for day-to-day Internet use. The same technology that can hide the location of a drug ring can also serve as a free VPN-like service to protect your privacy while you browse the Internet, make censored websites available again, and even let you host your own Internet services for free, all without opening a single port on your firewall!
In this deep dive workshop on Tor, the Tech Learning Collective’s cybersecurity trainers will show you how to make the most of this widely available and free digital safety tool. They’ll demonstrate numerous Tor features such as Tor authentication, target service load balancing, and NAT-punching. In the process, you’ll finally understand—on a technical level—what the “Dark Web” actually is and how it works. Bring a laptop to class, and you’ll leave having run your own Dark Web site. Whether you’re a veteran black hat or a timid newbie, this class will shine a light on the Dark Web once and for all.
You do not need to bring a laptop to class, but may want to do so to follow along with the exercises. Note that mobile devices are also compatible with Tor software and their use is encouraged.
If you’d like to borrow a computer for the workshop, Interference Archive has a very limited supply of laptops which can be made available.
We are asking for a suggested donation to attend the workshop, but no one will be turned away for a lack of funds.
- $45.00 for General Admission
- $30.00 for Queer-Identified and Femme People
If the suggested rate is cost-prohibitive, we encourage attendees to pay whatever is comfortable for them. For accommodations, please email us at info@interferencearchive.org.
Do keep in mind that class space is limited to 20 students! Seats will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to reserve your seat and make your donation, or make your donation now and get your reservation ticket online.
If you reserve a ticket online and then cannot attend the workshop, please do let us know as soon as you can so that someone else can take your seat.
Interference Archive is fully ADA accessible, with two gender-neutral bathrooms on site.
As a volunteer-run space we don’t have staff to offer childcare, but we have a children’s area with books, craft supplies, and toys. Any children are welcome to come and make use of that space while their caregiver attends the workshop.
Social Rules
At Tech Learning Collective events, racism, queerphobia, transphobia, sexism, “brogrammer,” “manarchist,” or any kind of similarly awful behavior will result in immediate removal from class without a refund. Please refer to their lightweight social rules for details on their no-tolerance policy against bigotry of any kind.