Saturday, March 28, 2020
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
POSTPONEDSaturday, March 28th, 2-4pm
RSVP on Eventbrite
This experiential workshop, coinciding with our current exhibition Like the Waters We Rise: A Visual History of Climate Justice, will use individual movement and collective activities to model how water gains force and momentum. These activities mirror the creative process utilized to create the performance work Overflow, which investigates the nature and impacts of Hurricane Sandy. They also engage in Artichoke Dance’s unique approach to contemporary dance partnering, requiring a balance of strength and sensitivity. These experiences, both in doing and viewing, serve as content for examining interconnected systems, effective collaborative action, and environmental justice principles.
Artichoke Dance Company is an arts organization working at the intersections of performance innovation, environmental activism, education, community building and civic engagement. Our productions model scientific phenomenon and occurrences in nature, make use of recycled materials, and involve the public in the process and performance. We collaborate with scientists, architects, visual artists, composers, designers, filmmakers, museums, presenters, educational institutions, corporations and the public to create works infused with forward thinking perspectives. Our groundbreaking work inspires people to gather around pressing issues, to build community, create art, and enact change.
Lynn Neuman, Director of Artichoke Dance Company, is one of the nation’s leading eco-artists. Her work has been presented across the United States and internationally. She is widely known for her multi-year program to mitigate plastic pollution on Coney Island Beach. Lynn is an Association of Performing Arts Professionals Leadership Fellow and the only choreographer to receive a Marion International Fellowship for the Visual and Performing Arts. Recently, she was artist in residence at Rider University and California State University, creating arts and sustainability projects across disciplines. She serves on 350Brooklyn’s Steering Committee and on the Gowanus Neighborhood Coalition for Justice, and is an American Littoral Society Coastal Clean Up Coordinator. Lynn was recently featured in Dance Magazine and Versa Media for her innovative creations.