Thursday, December 18, 2014
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
December 18, 6:30-8:30pm AND December 20, 10am-2pm
RSVPs are necessary. Please email classes@interferencearchive.org if you’d like to attend.
What does the MTA subway map show? What does it not show? What couldn’t it show? Why do city planners make maps anyway? And why do experts give tours?
In this course hosted by SCAT!, we’ll explore “counter-tourism.” We’ll crash-practice different ways of place-based storytelling—oral history, theater of the oppressed, writing on walls, talking back, story circling, one-on-one organizing—and discuss how people from all over the map use them to build intergenerational connections and community power.
If you were giving a counter-tour of Gowanus, or New York, or a transnational community in New York, or any place, what would it look like? Would you want to give a counter-tour, or something else? After playing games, talking, skill-sharing, and snooping around the Archive and the neighborhood, participants will walk away with practical tools for building a counter-tour or conducting a counter-tourism course in their own space.
This two-part workshop will be facilitated by James Cersonsky.
Workshop attendees, and all folks involved in popular education or place-based storytelling, are encouraged to take the Counter-Tourism Skill-Share Survey!