XR: Declare Emergency Info Session


Thursday, August 3, 2023

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

“What we do in the next 3-4 years will determine the future of humanity.”

–Sir David King, Former Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK, He said this in Feb-2021

This is not a drill! Humanity is in its darkest hour, embroiled in an event unprecedented in its history. One which, unless addressed immediately, will catapult us further into the destruction of all we hold dear: this nation, its peoples, our ecosystems and the future of all children. Declare Emergency demands President Biden do just that – – declare a climate emergency and act accordingly. Come learn how you can help us accomplish that at our next free introduction to DECLARE EMERGENCY talk. Resisting climate injustice peacefully is the best remedy to anxiety and depression.

The talk is:
Thursday, August 3 at 7pm at Interference Archive
314 7th St. Brooklyn
(7th St. between 4th and 5th Ave. )

“For decades I’ve joined organizations, given money, signed petitions, written letters, testified in hearings, and attended marches and rallies to little or no avail. I’m taking action now for the survival of the natural world and all its inhabitants. I refuse to be part of the genocide our government is engaged in.” – Fergus, 63
