Infotalk and discussion: Live now for free! But only if you squat
March 1, 2015

Join us on Thursday, April 9, 7-9pm for a discussion of squatting as a technique, as a politics and as a lifestyle, and a brief history of the squatting movement in the UK, with squatter-historian, Rowan Tallis Milligan.
We are in occupation! Squatters have occupied the Aylesbury Estate in London in a protest against gentrification and in support of genuinely affordable housing (read more about this here). For many people squatting is the perfect solution to the housing crisis- offering autonomy, freedom from rent and a chance at a self-determined way of living. Squatting can also be considered a domain for resistance to capitalism and social hegemony.
We wondered where our wages went,
We wasted most by paying rent,
Since, we’ve learned to change our lot,
So now we’re living in a squat.