Interference in the Press
May 2, 2013

We’ve been getting some good press lover the past year here at Interference Archive, and thought we’d share some of it with you!
Our recent Book Bloc exhibition has been written up all over, including in the New York Times and the New Yorker:
The New Yorker says “Reach For the Book—It Is a Weapon,” read it HERE.
The New York Times says “In Defense of Education, Books as Armor,” read it HERE.
The Melville House Books blog posted about the show HERE.
In other press:
Hyperallergic had this to say: “Every drawer and box and shelf of the Interference Archive is overflowing with valuable research on social movements, from the Paris Rebellion of 1968 to the Latin American solidarity organizations to materials on apartheid, with the importance of art as an avenue for a message’s resonance appearing throughout the decades and the physical connection with the relics of movements really bringing them to life.” Read the entire review of our Rebel Newsprint exhibition HERE.
The Russian publication Kommersant published a long write up on the Rebel Newsprint exhibition. It’s in Russian, so if you can read that, check it out HERE, and tell us what it says!
Molly was interviewed over at When One Wants to Start an Archive, read it HERE.
The Brooklyn Rail said “Here among the warehouses of 8th Street, just a stone’s throw from the Gowanus Canal, one finds a budding international library of the modern left,” in a article last fall. The whole piece can be read HERE.
Our friends over at Dignidad Rebelde posted a nice blog about us after their visit, check it out HERE.
Library Juice ran a nice PIECE on us last year.
There was a nice write up/interview in the Temporary Art Review site back in the fall. You can read it HERE.