Open Call: design buttons for us to make at the GetOrganizedBK Civic Festival!
July 13, 2017

We’re heading over to the GetOrganizedBK Civic Festival on July 25, and we’ll have our button making machines with us! Along with giving away posters and stickers in support of current issues our community is organizing around, we’ll be making buttons with anyone who stops by.
We’ll be printing out 1″ and 2.25″ button designs (those are the size of button makers we’ll have on hand). If you would like to design a button, please use one of the templates — here for 1″ buttons, or here for 2.25″ buttons.
What we want:
Powerful (if small) images around these issues and more:
—Sanctuary & Refugees
—Immigrant Rights
—An End to Mass Incarceration
—Empowering Responses to Sexual Violence
—Climate Justice
—Ending White Supremacy
—Net Neutrality
What we don’t want:
We will be avoiding all art with an explicit focus on Trump and his catchphrases. The more we represent him—no matter in what light—the more we re-inscribe him with power. Instead, focus on graphics that support the social movements that existed before Trump and will be fighting to exist after he is long gone.
Where we need it:
High-res (300dpi) files of designs make using button templates can be sent to:
Please note: we won’t be able to print everything — printing costs are real. Also, we’ll only be able to look at submissions that are on the design templates we’ve linked to above.
Let’s create a visual landscape of resistance together!