Audio Interference 36: $pread Magazine
$pread magazine was an award winning publication produced by and for sex workers from 2005-2011. In 2015, The Feminist Press at CUNY published an anthology of some of its best material. In this week’s episode, we’ll hear from two of its editors, Eliyanna Kaiser and Rachel Aimee, as they discuss the history of the magazine, the evolving depiction of sex workers in mass media, and what the future may hold for the sex workers’ rights movement.
Advocacy and organizing groups for sex workers and their allies:
Sex Workers Project, part of the Urban Justice Center –
Red Umbrella Project –
SWOP – Sex Workers Outreach Project, A national network with links to regional chapters –
Music: “All Will See,” “Traces,” and “Whispers” by Hyson. “Great is the Contessa” by Blue Dot Sessions.
Produced by Interference Archive.