Audio Interference 73: Ghost Bikes
“We don’t want to have to put up ghost bikes anymore.”
27 cyclists were killed in New York City in 2019, more than twice as many as in 2018. In this episode of Audio Interference, we speak with volunteers Ellen Belcher and Steve Scofield from the New York City chapter of Ghost Bikes, who install street memorials for cyclists who have been killed in traffic violence. We travel with them up to 125th to install a bike and learn about the history and current movement of Ghost Bikes. For more information on the memorials in NYC and around the world, check out their website.
Thank you to Steve Scofield and Ellen Belcher for speaking with us. To learn more about the 27 cyclists who lost their lives in 2019, we recommend this profile by Gothamist.
Music and Audio in this Episode:
– Detailing by Blue Dot Sessions
Produced by Interference Archive.