Take Back the Fight exhibition catalogue is here!
November 13, 2017
We’re excited to announce that the catalogue of our current exhibition, Take Back the Fight: Resisting Sexual Violence from the Ground Up, is here! While the exhibition is currently on hiatus as we continue to organize and build our brand new space, some of the materials featured in Take Back the Fight–textiles by The Monument Quilt and Bordados Feminicidios–are on view. We’re working to get the space ready and the remainder of the exhibition on display as soon as possible. The catalogue launch will coincide with the launch of our previous exhibition’s catalogue, Finally Got the News: The Printed Legacy of the U.S. Radical Left, 1970-79. Stay tuned for more details about this event!
For now, the catalogue is available for purchase for $15 from JustSeeds.
In addition to images of all materials included in the exhibition, the catalogue includes essays and other writing in order to provide context on the histories narrated in the exhibition. These include:
- Introduction by Lani Hanna
- “Lesbian, Feminist, and Queer Histories of Taking Back the Fight,” by Rachel Corbman
- “My Mother Liked to Fuck,” by Joan Nestle
- “Resisting Martial Rape,” by Kersti Yllo
- “How to Make a Fist: Writing on Women’s Self-Defense from the Collection of Interference Archive,” by Louise Barry
- “Akko Nishimura Creates a Ruckus,” by Sabrina Margarita Alcantara-Tan (reprinted with permission from the zine Bamboo Girl #9)
- “No Justice When Women Fight Back,” by Victoria Law
- “Beautiful, Difficult, Powerful” by the Chrysalis Collective (zine reprinted with permission)
- Statements by The Monument Quilt, Bordamos Feminicidios, Mujeres Grabando Resistencias, and Trans Day of Resistance
The publication will be available online and at the archive. A few images are below: