Exhibition Tours: Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

April 15, 2022 by

El curador de la Exhibición de Gráficas Zapatistas “Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida”, Eden Bastida Kullick, estará disponible para dar visitas guidas de la exhibición en español durante el horario de atención de Interference Archive del 23 de abril al 7 de mayo. Si está interesado, comuníquese con Eden para programar un visita: edenbastidakullick@gmail.com

Curator of Zapatista Graphics Exhibit “Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida”, Eden Bastida Kullick will be available to give tours of the exhibition in Spanish during Interference Archive open hours from April 23 – May 7th. If interested please contact Eden to schedule a tour: edenbastidakullick@gmail.com

This programming is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.