What does solidarity mean to you?
October 15, 2015

We spent Saturday, October 17 with Combat Paper NJ (Montclair, NJ) and Mobile Print Power (Corona, Queens), setting up a day of interactive art production in the Interference Archive parking lot.
We invited everyone to come out and work with Combat Paper NJ to pulp and pull sheets of paper with their mobile paper making set-up, and work with Mobile Print Power to learn basic printing with their ice cream cart turned screen print studio. Both groups asked the question “What does solidarity mean to you?” and “How can military veterans and immigrants (and immigrants who are vets) work together to improve their communities?”
We were grateful to receive funding from the New York City chapter of the Awesome Foundation for this event.
Members of Combat Paper NJ set up their paper making equipment.
Mobile Print Power displays their past artwork alongside their mobile screenprinting cart.
Members of Mobile Print Power and visitors to Interference Archive learn how to make paper from members of Combat Paper.
We asked a question: what does solidarity mean to you? How can military veterans and immigrants (and immigrants who are vets) work together to improve their communities?
Everyone who answered was invited to print their own copy of our design:
We printed a collaborative design on Combat Paper.
Members of Interference Archive, Mobile Print Power, and Combat Paper NJ.