Thursday, June 30, 2022
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
This event on Critical Race theory (CRT) will go into what it is and why basic CRT tenets can’t be avoided in any real and honest teaching of the role of white supremacy in U.S. history—which is why it is under right wing attack as a cynical cover for whitewashing that history. We’ll also reflect on how the anti-CRT crusade needs to be understood as one front in the broad right wing assault on gains made by people of color, women, LGBTBQ and others over the last decades.
After a presentation by Keith Brooks, who likes to say he used CRT for 23 years in the NYC public high schools and didn’t even know it, there will be time for questions and discussion.
Keith Brooks is a retired 23-year NYC Department of Education high school teacher with a M.S. in Urban Multicultural Education and a license in social studies. He was 2008 teacher of the year and an advisor to a Black student group at one of the schools where he taught. Keith has also taught psychology at Richmond college as well as at Alternate U, part of the Free University movement. A long time activist on many fronts, Keith has spoken previously at Interference Archive (see here and here).
Please note that masks are required while spending time at Interference Archive.