Spring 2014 Conferences
March 31, 2014

Interference Archive folks will be at two conferences in the coming weeks:
April 4, 2014: Queer Internet Studies [registration is now closed]
Hadassah Damien will be speaking about the organization of Interference Archive and our collections on the Artists and activists – Projects in progress panel at this conference focused on “challenges and opportunities for the intersection of queer lives and technology.”
April 11-12, 2014: Radical Archives Conference [registration is still open, and free]
At this “two-day conference organized around the notion of archiving as a radical practice,” Interference Archive will be represented on two panels:
- Disrupting Standards, Remaking Interfaces, April 11 @ 11am [Hadassah Damien/Openflows]
- Archives From Below, April 12 @ 3pm [Molly Fair, Bonnie Gordon, Jen Hoyer, Blithe Riley, Anika Paris, Ryan Lee Wong]