News & Updates

News and Updates

How we keep things going at Interference Archive

It takes a lot to keep a place like Interference Archive up and running! Back in 2018 we shared a breakdown of the financial cost of running our space; we’ve also reflected more broadly on finances as part of the bigger picture of sustainability in our work. Somehow we’re now in 2022, and we thought […]

April 18, 2022

News and Updates

Exhibition Tours: Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

El curador de la Exhibición de Gráficas Zapatistas “Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida”, Eden Bastida Kullick, estará disponible para dar visitas guidas de la exhibición en español durante el horario de atención de Interference Archive del 23 de abril al 7 de mayo. Si está interesado, comuníquese con Eden para programar un visita: Curator of Zapatista […]

April 15, 2022

News and Updates

Making Zines Together…online!

On February 27, the Interference Archive Education Working Group hosted a virtual workshop, “Valen-zines: Making Zines with Radical Love.” We gathered online, considered the meaning of radical love, and thought collaboratively about what zines can be. Here is the collective definition we came up with on a shared Jamboard: We dove into making our own […]

March 5, 2022

News and Updates

Connect your class with the archive!

We love having classes visit Interference Archive. It provides us with an easy way to meet our mission of engaging the public with the cultural production of social movements, and we are so grateful for every opportunity to introduce students to a different kind of archive: one where use is a form of preservation; one […]

December 20, 2021

News and Updates

New in the collection: TAP: The Hobbyist’s Newsletter for the Communications Revolution

Along with an impressive collection of 2600 that we received at Interference Archive, we found an issue of TAP: The Hobbyist’s Newsletter for the Communications Revolution. Articles include “Dunn and Bradstreet: Do they know something that we don’t,” “Yet More Phun with UNIX,” and a song mourning the end of Bell Systems. Find it in […]

November 21, 2021
