Agit Prop

Exhibitions / Agit Prop

Agitate! Educate! Organize! Agit Prop into the 21st Century

June 12, 2018 - September 30, 2018

Exhibition Dates: June 12 -- September 30, 2018 Exhibition Opening: Tuesday, June 12, 6-9pm Our daily lives are saturated with information; we consume supposedly “neutral” media that implicitly supports existing power structures, yet we simultaneously fear “fake news” without critically analyzing the truths and biases that coexist in every message we see or hear. The reality is that all media has an agenda: for hundreds of years, people have used art, culture, graphics, performance, and design as central elements of social and political organizing across all realms of the political spectrum, to spread information and reimagine reality. This exhibition reflects historic and current uses of agitprop, or agitational propaganda, at the intersection of design and political organizing.

Events / Agit Prop


Saturday, November 17, 2018 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Saturday, November 17, 1:30-5:30pm Interference Archive and Hate-Free Zone Queens (HFZ) are excited for our second collaboration producing propaganda to spread HFZ's message. Join us on Saturday, November 17 from 1:30-5:30pm at Interference Archive (314 7th Street, Brooklyn NY 11225) to make posters, t-shirts, buttons, and more. HFZ proactively builds a strong community defense system that centers those most impacted by current discriminatory policies and actions.

Events / Agit Prop

Propaganda Party: Brooklyn Defense Committee

Saturday, September 22, 2018 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, September 22, 2-5pm

Interference Archive and Brooklyn Defense Committee (BDC) are excited to collaborate on a propaganda party. Join us on Saturday, September 22nd from 2-5pm at Interference Archive (314 7th Street, Brooklyn NY 11225) to make posters, a banner banners, buttons, and more. Brooklyn Defense Committee is a group of concerned Brooklyn residents coming together to address the violence of deportations affecting our loved ones and communities.

Events / Agit Prop

Propaganda Party: Families for Safe Streets

Sunday, September 16, 2018 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2-5pm

Interference Archive and Families for Safe Streets (FSS) are excited to collaborate on an upcoming propaganda party to create materials for the World Day of Remembrance, commemorating lives lost in traffic crashes across New York City. Join us on Sunday, September 16th from 2-5pm at Interference Archive (314 7th Street, Brooklyn NY 11225) to make posters, memorial banners, buttons, and more. FSS is comprised of a group of individuals who have lost loved ones or have been injured in traffic crashes. Their mission is to channel grief into action and through grassroots campaigns, help realize a city where pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles safely co-exist.

Events / Agit Prop

Film Screening: Far From Poland

Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 7pm

In 1980, American filmmaker Jill Godmilow was coincidentally in Poland when a shipyard strike led to a social movement around the first independent labor union in a Soviet-bloc country. But when Godmilow tried to return to Poland to film, her visa entry was denied. In Far From Poland, she sets out to literally reinvent the documentary form by scrutinizing her original intention to make agitprop. The resulting film depicts the workers movement against the “workers state” and points to futures outside the absurd duality of the Cold War.

Events / Agit Prop

Screening of What Farocki Taught and Conversation with Filmmaker Jill Godmilow

Saturday, September 8, 2018 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Saturday, September 8, 7pm

Interference is thrilled to bring in acclaimed filmmaker Jill Godmilow for a screening of her 1998 short What Farocki Taught, followed by an open discussion about agitprop film and its evolution throughout her career. This will be a treat for anyone who creates or consumes political media. Her feature film Far from Poland will also be screened at Interference Archive on Tuesday Sept 11.

Events / Agit Prop

Propaganda Party with Hate-Free Zone Queens

Saturday, July 28, 2018 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, July 28, 1-5pm Interference Archive and Hate-Free Zone Queens (HFZ) are excited to collaborate on an upcoming propaganda party in support of HFZ. Join us on July 28th at Interference Archive to make posters, t-shirts, buttons, and more.  HFZ proactively builds a strong community defense system that centers those most impacted by current discriminatory policies and actions.

Events / Agit Prop

An Agitprop Skillshare

Saturday, August 18, 2018 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Saturday, August 18, 2-5pm Join our Education Working Group to learn some of the basic skills for making agitprop materials like we see on display in our current exhibition, Agitate! Educate! Organize! Agit Prop into the 21st Century. We'll talk about simple ways to get started with screen printing, block printing, and stencil making. And best of all, we'll make things!

Events / Agit Prop

An Agitprop Scavenger Hunt

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Tuesday, June 5, 7-9pm Our upcoming exhibition, Educate Agitate Organize!, looks at several different facets of the creation of agitprop. One thing we're excited to explore is the way that the same symbols are reused across time and place by various movements, as acts of solidarity, as a way to create identity, and to communicate similar or disparate messages. We want you to help us explore this! Join us on June 5 for an agitprop scavenger hunt. We'll give you a short list of symbols to hunt for, and we'll provide an orientation on how to find material in the archive. Then it'll be your turn to explore and see what you can find!
