Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

Exhibitions / Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

March 19, 2022 - April 30, 2022

We are two years away from the 30th anniversary of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation’s (EZLN) first uprising against the Mexican federal government, and 530 years from 1492. Today, despite the pandemic, a contingent of Zapatistas are touring Europa to commune with anticapitalists across the continent. The Itinerant Archive of Zapatista Graphics and Interference Archive want to collectively celebrate their ongoing resistance by sharing a selection of movement graphics from 1994 to the present. | Estamos a dos años del 30 aniversario del levantamiento del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) contra el gobierno federal mexicano, y a 530 años del inicio del genocidio contra los pueblos originarios de América en 1492. de gráfica del movimiento desde 1994 hasta la actualidad.

Events / Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

Zapantera Negra: Artists Caleb Duarte Piñon and Mia Eve Rollow on artistic exchanges between Black Panther Party and Zapatista Communities

Thursday, May 5, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Join us for a virtual conversation with artists Caleb Duarte Piñon and Mia Eve Rollow about Zapantera Negra, a series of artistic exchanges between Emory Douglas of the Black Panther Party and autonomous Indigenous and Zapatista communities. Sharing artworks made collaboratively by members of both movements, and engaging in discussion with volunteers at Interference Archive, Caleb and Mia will reflect on artmaking as a form of resistance and solidarity, the deeply transformative quality of images, and why we archive and learn from these visual materials of movements for self-determination.

Events / Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

Will you visit us next? Making invitations for the Comando palomitas! / ¿Nos visitarás la próxima vez? ¡Haciendo invitaciones para el comando palomitas!

Sunday, April 24, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Join Interference Archive during spring break for a day celebrating the Zapatistas’ kid-led Comando palomitas, or Popcorn Brigade, who champion the right to self-determination as young people! / ¡Únase a Interference Archive durante las vacaciones de primavera para realizar aviones y barcos de papel en un día de celebración como una invitación a que los zapatistas y el Comando Palomitas, liderado por niño y niñas zapatistas nos visiten próximamente en NY.

News & Updates
News and Updates

Exhibition Tours: Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida

El curador de la Exhibición de Gráficas Zapatistas “Silencio, Fuego, Palabra, Vida”, Eden Bastida Kullick, estará disponible para dar visitas guidas de la exhibición en español durante el horario de atención de Interference Archive del 23 de abril al 7 de mayo. Si está interesado, comuníquese con Eden para programar un visita: Curator of Zapatista […]
